About Us

Cockrell Hill LogoCockrell Hill Elementary recognizes the pivotal role early education plays in shaping childhood development. That's why we've crafted a specialized curriculum encompassing essential subjects such as reading, math, science, and social studies. However, we go beyond academics by prioritizing social-emotional development to foster well-rounded learners.

Since our establishment in 1987, we've catered to students on the burgeoning west side of DeSoto and dedicated ourselves to preparing children for their educational journey ahead. Cockrell Hill Elementary lays robust educational foundations serving young scholars in Kindergarten through 2nd grade.

We hold our students to high standards, ensuring they thrive in their learning environment. By infusing meaning and enjoyment into learning, we captivate students' interest and maintain their engagement. Our mission is to empower every student to reach their highest potential, without exception.
Cockrell Hill Elementary is an environment where curiosity is sparked, consciousness is cultivated, character is developed, courage i
s instilled, and compassion is nurtured.